Vol. 12—The Testament Dative and Inventary of the goods, &c., of
umquhile Robert Hunter of Hunterston within the shire of Air, who died
9 August, 1581. Given up by Margaret Crawfurd, Lady Hunterston, his
relict in name of Jane, Marioun, Katherine, Elizabeth and Hew Hunters,
their lawfull bairns by the air and executor dative decerned to their said
umquhile father.
The Inventary consist of Horses, Cows, Fowls and household utensils, &c.
Sum of inventary-- £214-1-4d
Debts owing to Dead by, Tenents of Annanhill, tenents of Cumbray
Malcom McClellane in Campbellton, John McClellane there, Ard. Dunlop
there, William Young there, Robert Young there, awine be his "guid
mother" and "guiddochter," Alexander McClellan there, Johne Wilsone
there, Andro Crawfurd there, Johne Young there, James Farie in Thridpart,
Johne McClellan surety there, James Davie in Thridpart, John Thomson
in Hunterston surety, Adame Stevinson, Johne Blakshell in Hunterston,
Johne Hogyur there, James Wodsyd there, Robert Thomsone there, John
Tarbet there, John Templeton there, John Smysone, younger in Farnslie,
Johne in Cumbray, Robert Gemmill in Hunterston, the widow Marioun
Brown in Kepaneburne, Johne Mclellane and James his sone, Alexander
Young, James Hunter, Ard. Brown in Potarf, Alexander Stevinson, Ard
Brown, cautioner there, John Thomsone, Alexander Boyd in Balbie, the
Laird of Auchynwames, John Boyd in Glendy, John Quhyt in Moss Glen,
Patrick Crawfurd in Auldmuire, umquhile Johne McClellane and Jonet
Brown in Hoilhous, Jonet Sinclair spouse to William Crame in Irrwine,
Lady Sempill his "guidmoyer," William Hunter and John Hunter his
"broyrsone" in Cumbray, Gilbert Mychell there, Johne McCall there, Johne
Symsoun elder in Farinlin Lady Farnielie surety there, Johne Symsoun
younger in Fairynlie and Johne Tempiltoun, Andro Sempill in Farnelie,
David Stevinsone surety, Robert Thomesoun in Hunterston, Johne Montgomerie
in Cumbray, Hew Crawfurde in Campbetoun, Robert Gilleis in Hoilhous,
Johne Wilson in Campbeltoun, Johne Fynlay in Ladysyd, William Rysyd
in Heleis surety, Lyoun Thome in Quhytsyd, George Hunter in Richartoun.
Charles Boyd in Busbie, James Mowat now of Busbie, Dame Marioun
Montgomerie, Lady Sempill, Johne Gray in Corsbie myln, Thomas Scyir
there cautioner, Johne Rogar, Andro Crawfurd, Katherine Nevine in
Potarf, John Gemmill, Thomas Flois, Ard. Dunlop tenents of Campbeltoun,
tenents of South Kaimes in the Meikle Isle of Cumbray, tenents of
Hunterston, Janet Hunter Lady Fergushill.
Sum of Debts - £937-15-4
Debts owing by defunct, to Jane Hunter his lawfull daughter, the Abbot
of Kilwinning, Thomas Stewart, Giles Crawfurd servants, the Chamberlain
of Castle Sempill.
Sum of debts - £38-6-8
Free Gear - £1113-10/-
Divided in three parts Dead's part is - £371-3-4
Confirmed 24 September, 1583.
Eik to above Testament dated 3 September, 1586.
Further Debts due to defunct by - James Moffat of Busbie, the tenants of Hunterston.
Sum of above debts - £109-6-8