Genealogy Books Jan 27, 2017
Not the kind you buy, which can be just stuff found online and printed to sell at super prices. I mean old books with lists of names that can help show locations, addresses and even family details, if you've exhausted every other avenue in your search.
Sink the Bismarck Jan 22nd, 2017
To boys of my generation this was an iconic film, a real david against goliath scrap, full of heroism and derring do. In the one corner, Bismarck pride of the German fleet, 50,000 tons, 2,000 crew ...
Hunters in Carse of Gowrie Jan 16th, 2017
Last weeks trip up to the Carse. Taking pictures of some old Hunter estates and exploring some graveyards. Got a nice sack of totties and a couple of boxes of grass seeds.
Lt. Col. William Hunter M.D. June 6, 2018
Dr. William Hunter, Battalion Surgeon Major, 2nd Coldstream Guards, his family, his life, his wife and his death. Hero from Waterloo.