There are hundreds of books free online that may help in the ancestor hunt, with lists of Hunters, addresses and maybe more. Certainly if your family was "well off" they would be recorded someplace. University rolls, church lists, army lists, association members, trade associations and such.
If like myself, they were not so fortunate, there is still directories, printed every 10 years or so with names and sometimes addresses.
Let's say your "Peter Hunter" was a miner. Chances are he wouldn't have traveled far in his life, unless served in the Armed Forces or such, Let's say his son was Peter Johnstone Hunter, a "local" directory may have some of his family in the near area, or there may be a Johnstone family living nearby. If there is no leads through your Peter, there may be something to be found using the other angles of attack. Maybe e.g. Johnstone in the next street joined the church/army/navy and did well for himself, then maybe his family tree has been uncovered with a link to your guy.
I found an interesting photo online a couple of years ago (shown above left) but until last week couldn't accurately place the guy, I had my suspicions.
Last week I came across the Edinburgh Academy Register? never heard of it before. I downloaded it and copied all the Hunters and there was our Richard. Which gave me another piece to the jig-saw. Loads of information, shows how some Hunters met up, though most are related.
1896 Thomas Mansfield Hunter.
1913. Patrick Constable Hunter.
HUNTER, James William, 1825-8. CI. 5-7. b. 1 Feb. 1812 ; s. of James Hunter of Thurston.
Of Thurston ; m. Sydney Ann Mansell ; d. 10 Feb. 1879.
HUNTER, Richard, 1824-31. CI. 1-6. b. 13 July 1816 ; s. of Capt. James Hunter of Thurston.
Col. 7th Regt. Madras Cav. ; Maj. 1854 (East Indies) ; m. Hannah, y. dau. of
Richard Watt of Bishop Burton, Co. Yorks; d. 8 July 1885.
HUNTER, James, 1850-4. CI. 3-6. b. 1838 ; s. of James Hunter of Hafton.
Haileybury, 1856-7 ; H.E.I.C.S. and I.C.S. 1858-60; Ass. Mag. and Coll., Sholapur;
invalided, 1S60 ; m. Katherine Christina, dau. of the Rev. Robert Meiklejohn, Min
of the parish of Strathdon, Aberdeenshire d. 20 April 1876.
HUNTER, William Frederick, 1850-7. CI. 1-7. b. 1840 ; s. of James Hunter of Hafton ;
best in German, CI. 7, 1857.
M.A., LL.B. Edin. Univ. ; of Hafton ; Advocate, 1865 ; d. 29 April 1880.
HUNTER, George William Eccles, 1856-61. CI. 1-5. s. of James Hunter of Hafton.
Capt. 3rd Huss. (King's Own) ; Cornet, 1864 ; Lt. 1866 ; Capt. 1869 ; ret. 1870 ;
m. Charlotte Ireland Winifred M'Gee, St. Heliers, Jersey ; d. 2 April 1879.
HUNTER, Robert, 1824-9. CI. 3-7. b. 14 Nov. 1814 ; s. of Richard Hunter. H.E.I.C.S. Bengal.
Went to Calcutta, and later to Madras as Man. of the Bank of Madras ;
at time of death was Man. of Agra Bank, Edin. ; d. 19 Dec. 1890.
HUNTER, Alexander, 1824-31. CI. 1-7. b. 19 May 1816 ; s. of Richard Hunter, H.E.I.C.S. Bengal.
M.D. Edin.; Surg.-Maj. Madras Army; Ass. Surg. 1843 ; Surg.-Maj. 1863 ; ret. 1873 ;
m. 1843 Jane Mary Patton ; d. 7 Jan. 1890.
HUNTER, Richard, 1825-9. CI. 1-4. b. 20 Jmie 1817; s. of Richard Hunter, H.E.I.C.S. Calcutta.
W.S. 1838; d. July 1844.
HUNTER, James, 1828-9. CI. 1. b. 21 May 1820 ; s. of Richard Hunter, H.E.I.C.S. Bengal.
Capt. 4th Bom. Rifles ; m. 1854 Anne Noble ; d. 15 May 1896.
BELL, Robert, 1824-30. CI. 2-7. b. 2 March 1815 ; s. of Joseph Bell, Surg., St. Andrew Square.
Advocate, 1836 ; Sheriff Sub. of Zetland at Lerwick, 1843-65 ; Sheriff Sub. of Stirlingshire
at Falkirk, 1865-S7; m. (i) Robina, only dau. of Thomas Hunter of Lunna, Shetland ;
(2) 1869 Agnes McCrae, dau. of William Bruce of Symbister, Shetland ; d. 9 Sept. 1887.
HUNTER, Robert, 1825-9. CI. 3-6. b. 1814 ; s. of Capt. James Hunter, 22 Queen Street
BLAIR, Edward Hunter, 1826-8. CI. 2, 3. b. 24 March 1818 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart., of Blairquhan,
Ayrshire. S. to Blairquhan as 4th Bart., 1857 ; served in R.N. and 93rd Highs. ; Col. Comdg. Ayrshire
Art. Vols. ; J. P. and D.L. Cos. Ayr and Wigtown ; m. 1850 EUzabeth, dau. of George Wauchope ; d. 7 Oct. 1896.
BLAIR, James Hunter, 1826-8. CI. 2, 3. b. 22 March 1817 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart.
Lt.-Col. Scots Guards ; ist Batt. Scots Fus. Guards ; Ensign, 1835 ; Capt. 1848 ;
had local rank of Lt.-Col. when he was killed at Inkermann : twice wounded, but
still led his Batt. until struck a third time in the mouth, which wound proved mortal;
M.P. for Ayrshire, 1852-4; d. 5 Nov. 1854.
BLAIR, John Hunter, 1834-6. CI. 1, 2. b. 18 Oct. 1825 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart., of Blairquhan,
Haileybury, 1843-5 ; H.E.I.C.S. Madras, 1845-77 ; Coll. of Sea Customs ; m. Emily,
dau. of Edward Grant ; d. 27 March 1885.
BLAIR, David Hunter, 1835-7. CI. 1. 2. b. 22 Jan. 1827 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart., of Blairquhan,
Lt.-Col. Scots Fus. Guards ; Ensign, 1845 ; Ensign and Lt. 1854 ; Lt. and Capt. 1855 ; Capt. and Lt.-Col. 1863 ; ret. 1804 ; d. 31 March 1869.
BLAIR, William Hunter, 1835-7. CI. 1, 2. b. 18 Jan. 1828 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart., of Blairquhan,
Lt. R.H.A. ; d. 23 Jan. 1855.
BLAIR, Charles Hunter, 1837-9. Cl. 1, 2. b. 15 May 1829 ; s. of Sir David Hunter Blair, Bart., of Blairquhan,
Ayrshire, d. 1847.
VANS-AGNEW, Robert. 1826-30. CI. 2-5. b. 1817 ; s. of Col. Patrick Vans-Agnew, C.B., H.E.I.C.S., Dir.
of the E.I.C. Eton ; Lt. Rifle Brigade ; ret. 1843 ; S. 1842 on death of his father to Barnbarroch
and Sheuchan, Co. Wigtown; J. P., D.L. ; M.P. Co. Wigtown, 1873-80; m. 1852 Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Sir David Hunter
Blair, Bart.; d. 1893.
BOYLE, David, 1843-6. CI. 2-4. b. 31 May 1833 ; s. of Patrick Boyle of Shewalton, Ayrshire.
Capt. R.N. ; 7th E. of Glasgow, etc. etc. ; S. cousin, 1S90 ; G.C.M.G. 1897 ; D.L.,
J. P. for Ayrshire ; LL.D. ; Gov. and Com.-in-Chf., N.Z., 1892-7; entd. Navy, 1846;
Lieut. 1855 ; Comm. 1S65 ; Capt. (ret.), 1S78; served in White Sea during Crimean War,
and in China War, 1S57 (medal with clasp for Fatshan Creek affair) ; served afloat
twenty-eight years ; m. 1873 Dorothea, dau. of Sir Edward Hunter Blair, Bart.
Address : Kelburn, Fairlie, Ayrshire.
FERGUSSON, Charles, afterwards Dalrymple, 1848-50. CI. 1, 2. b. 15 Oct. 1839 ; s. of Sir Charles
Dalrymple Fergusson, Bart., of Kilkerran, Ayrshire.
Harrow; Trin. Coll. Cantab; B.A. 1S62; M.A. 1865 ; Bart. 1887 ; P.C. 1905 ; LL.D. Edin. 1914;
Barr. Line. Inn, 1865; M.P.Bute, 1868-85 (except April-July 1880) ; opposed Mr. Gladstone in
Midlothian, 1885; M.P. Ipswich, 1886-1906 ; Mem. of Commissions on Cathedral Estabhshment,
1S79-85 ; on Reformatories and Industrial Schools, 1882-3; on Vaccination, 1890-6 ; on Scottish Univs.
1889-96 ; Grand Master Mason of Scot. 1893-6; m. 1874 Alice Mary, dau. of Sir Edward Hunter Blair, Bart.
Address : Newhailes, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
ARUNDELL. Godolphin Arundell Hunter-, 1829-32. CI. 4-6. b. 9 Aug. 1816 ; s. of William Francis Hunter-
Arundell of Barjarg. S. to Barjarg on death of his father, 1827 ; d. 1848.
ARUNDELL, William Francis Hunter-, 1829-34. CI. 2-6. b. 16 June 1820 ; s. of William Francis Hunter-Arundell
of Barjarg.
Edin. Univ. ; of Barjarg and Laggan ; J. P. Dumfriesshire; S. his brother Godolphin, 1848;
m. 1849 Mary, dau. of David Dickson of Kilbucho and Hartree, Co. Peebles ; d. 27 April 1889.
HUNTER, Lockhart, 1831-7. Cl. 1-6. b. 1823; s. of John Hunter, W.S., Claremont Street.
Writer, Edin. ; d. 1849.
HUNTER, John, 1832- . CI. 1, 2- . b. 1824 ; s. of John Hunter, W.S., Warriston Crescent.
Writer, Edin. ; d. i860.
HUNTER, James George, 1843-9. CI. 1-6. b. 1832 ; s. of John Hunter, W.S., 5 Fettes Row ;
Ferguson Medal, 1848 ; Mitchell Medal, 1849. C.E. India ; d. 7 July 1862.
HUNTER, John, 1843-9. CI. 1-6. b. 5 Jan. 1834 ; s. of John Hunter, W.S., 5 Fettes Row.
Advocate, 1857 ; Sheriff-Sub. of Peeblesshire at Peebles, 1868-72 ; d. 29 Sept. 1872.
HUNTER, William Vary, 1848-55. CI. 1-7. b. 30 Sept. 1839 ; s. of John Hunter, W.S.,
Auditor of Court of Session, 5 Fettes Row. W.S. 1864; d. 18 Jan. 1872.
HUNTER, James A., 1832- . CI. 1, 2- . b. 1823; s. of Dr. Adam Hunter, 18 Abercromby Place.
M.D. Edin. Univ. ; med. pract. at one time in China ; m. Miss Mansfield; d.
HUNTER, Thomas Alexander, 1847-52. CI. 1-5. b. 10 Oct. 1837 ; s. of Dr. Adam Hunter, 18 Abercromby Place.
Lt.-Col. 2nd B. Fus. and 104th Ft. ; 2nd Lt. 1856; Lt. 1857 ; Capt. 1864 ; Maj. 1877 ; ret. as Hon. Lt.-Col. 1879 ; served at siege of Delhi, 1857 ; battle of Budleeke-Serai ; final assault and capture of city
(medal with clasp) ; also with Sikkim F.F. 1860-1 ; d. 23 May 1904.
HUNTER, Norman Frederick, 188S-97. CI. P.3-Sp. s. of James Hunter, M.D., 18 Abercromby Place ; XI.
Ch. Coll. Cantab. Address ; Huntington, Ascot Heath, Ascot.
HUNTER, Thomas Mansfield, 1888-96. CI. la-7a. s. of James Hunter, M.D., 18 Abercromby Place ; Dux CI. 1
and .Joint Dux of School, 1896 ; XI. Barr., Lond.; prospective candidate (U.) for Berwickshire.
Address: 8 Fig Tree Court, Temple, Lond., E.C., and The Cottage, Duns.
HUNTER, Robert S., 1834- . Cl. 1, 2- . b. 1824; s. of Robert Hunter, 5 Heriot Row.
HUNTER, William M., 1834- . Cl. 1, 2- . b. 1822 ; s. of Robert Hunter, 5 Heriot Row.
HUNTER, David, 1835-41. CI. 1-6. b. 1826.
HUNTER, Andrew Knox, 1837-8. CI. 1. b. 1828. Ensign 37th M.N.I. 1845 ; Lt. 1850 ;
ret. 1855.
HUNTER, Robert Scott, 1840-2. CI. 1, 2. b. 1831 ; s. of Capt. W. Hunter, H.E.I.C.S.
Capt. 6th D.G. (Carabineers) ; Cornet 2nd D.G. (Greys) and 6th D.G. 1851 ; Lt. 1854 ;
Capt. 1855 ; ret. 1862 ; served in Eastern campaign of 1854-5, including affair at
Mackenzie's Farm, battles of Balaclava and Inkermann, and siege of Sebastopol (medal
and three clasps, 5th cl. of Medjidie, and Turkish medal) ; commanded the left troop
of the Scots Greys in the Balaclava charge ; d. 1896.
HUNTER, Hugh, 1841-4. CI. 1-3. b. 1831 ; s. of Hugh Hunter of Mauritius.
After leaving school went to Mauritius to join his father's firm of Hunter, Arbuthnot
and Co., and died there after a few years.
CAVAYE, John Hunter, 1860-2, CI. 4-5. s. of Gen. W. Cavaye, 12 Royal Circus.
Tea-planter in Assam ; drowned in the wreck of the ' Tennyson ' off Mauritius.
HUNTER, James Edward, 1844-6. CI. 1, 2. b. 11 March 1834 ; s. of Capt. Hugh Hunter, R.N.
Rugby, 1S46-8; Capt. R.N. ; J. P. Co. of Bedford ; Mid. R.N. 1848 ; Lieut. H.M.S.
' Retribution,' 1855 ; Comm. 1S63 ; Capt. 1873 (ret.). Service : Black Sea during
Russian War of 1854-5; medals and decorations : Crimean medal and clasp for Sebastopol,
Kt. of the Legion of Honour, 5th, cl. Medjidie, Sardinian medal for valour in the
field, Turkish medal, S. African medal, China medal, R.H.S. medal for saving fortyeight
lives under a heavy fire from Cossacks during the gale of Oct. 1854 off the Katcha River,
near Sebastopol. m. Elizabeth Letitia, e. dau. of Rev. the Hon. Thomas Orde-Powlett.
Address : Flitwick, Ampthill, Beds.
HUNTER, Richard, 1858-60. CI. 4, 5. b. 19 Jan. 1846; s. of Surg.-Maj. Alexander Hunter, Madras Army.
C.E. Madras; d. 26 May 1867.
HUNTER, Thomas Eraser, 1855-6. CI. 1. b. 1844 ; s. of W. King Hunter, Wellfield House, Duns.
Edin. Univ. ; in D. R. Macgregor's office, Leith, till 1864 ; then tea-planting in Assam till 1875 ;
returning to Scotland, sold property in Assam, and in 1893 went to California fruit-growing ; m. 1875 Louisa,
dau. of Gen. Sherer, LA. Address : The Bungalow, Penryn, Placer Co., California.
HUNTER, William Archibald, 1855-6. CI. 1. b. 1842 ; s. of W. King Hunter, Wellfield House, Duns.
Edin. Univ. ; M.A., LL.B. ; Sol. 1869 ; Agent Roy. Bank of Scot., Duns ; Sec. and Treas. of Duns
Water Co. Ltd. ; Clerk of Supply, Berwickshire ; afterwards Co. Clerk and Co. Road Clerk ;
d. 20 March 1891 in Chicago.
HUNTER, Andrew Johnston, 1857-61. CI. 2-5. b. 15 Aug. 1844 ; s. of William Hunter of Tynemount,
Ormiston, E. Lothian ; Dux CI. M. 4, 1860. B.A. Gonville and Caius Coll. Cantab, 186S; M.A. 1S72;
of Tynemount; C. Ch. Ch. Luton, Beds, 1S70-5 ; Chap. Luton Hoo, 1875-85 ; V. Mattishall, Norfolk, 1885-96 ;
R. Swanton Morley with Worthing, Norfolk, 1896; R.D. South Brisley, 1900; Hon. Canon, Norwich Cathedral, 1907 ; m. 1872 Agnes Blanche, dau. of William Phillips, Luton ; d. at Swanton Morley Rectory, Dereham, Norfolk, 12 June 1914.
HUNTER, Patrick Murray, 1859-62. CI. 1-3. b. 26 Jan. 1849; s. of W. Hunter, Raeburn Cottage.
Won prizes at open tennis tournaments ; Cotton Broker, Liverpool ; Pres. Liverpool Cotton Assoc. 1904-5 ;
Pres. two Mus. Socs. ; Mem. Sheffield Mus. Union ; went to Canada and Germany with the choir; m. Frances
Elhnor, e. dau. of James P. Fletcher of Atherton, Lancashire.
Address : The Elms, Ormskirk, Lancashire.
HUNTER, Alexander Toynbee, 1873-4. CI. 5. b. 20 July 1858 ; s. of Dr. A. Hunter, 2 Doune Terrace.
Collegiate Sch. ; C.A. Edin. 1882 ; Q.R.V.B. 1877-1901 ; Lt.-Col. 1st Batt. ; V.D. 1901 ; Sec. E. of Scot.
Tact. Soc. 1887-92, and of Scot. Twenty Club, 1888-92 ; m. (i) Kathleen Anna, dau. of Wm. Bryce, M.D. ;
(2) Mary Fotheringham, dau. of James Davidson. Address: 7 Albany Street, Edin.
HUNTER, James, 1872-4. CI. L. and U.M. b. 3 Jan. 1858 ; s. of John Hunter, L.R.C.S.E., Lochgilphead.
M.B., CM. Edin. 1S83 ; med. pract., Lochgilphead ; J. P. Argyllshire ; Hon. Maj. 5th V.B. A. and S. Highs.;
m. F. A. Hunter, dau. of H. Davenport Graham, R.N. Address : Corran, Lochgilphead.
HUNTER, John Alexander Campbell, 1872-0. CI. 1-4. b. 9 Nov. 1861 ; s. of John Hunter, L.R.C.S.E., Lochgilphead.
With Roberton and Ross, Writers, Glasg. ; held several appointments in E. Africa, India, etc. ; travelled
extensively ; d. i May 1911.
HUNTER, William James, 1871-8. CL 2-7. Miss Cowan, 36 Ann Street (Guardian).
HUNTER, Broughton Sheridan, 1875-7. CI. 1, 2. b. 1865 ; s. of William W. Hunter, CLE., 6 Grosvenor Street.
Ball. Coll. Oxon; Miss. (Ch. of Eng.) S. Africa; m. Miss Southgate; d. 1888.
HUNTER, Thomas Duncan, 1880-2. CI. 5, 6. b. 24 Feb. 1867 ; s. of James Hunter, 21 Minto Street.
Edin. Univ. ; Mang. Dir. Tullis and Co. Ltd., Paper Merchants, Edin. ; m. Katharine. Grace Richardson.
Address: 11 Gloucester Place, Edin.
HUNTER, David Stevenson Taylor, 1880-5. CI. 2-7. b. 1868; s. of Taylor Shipley Hunter.
Contractor, Edin.; XV. Edin. Univ.; JournaUst; Publisher of Hunter's Weekly, 1898; afterwards on staff
of the Financier and Bullionist, Lond. ; m. (i) Flo, dau. of Mr. Malcolm, Jute Merchant, Dundee;
(2) . Address: c/o Financier and Bullionist Ltd., 54 Wool Exchange, Coleman Street, Lond., E.C.
HUNTER, George Harrison, 1879-80 and 1887-8. CI. 1 and 6. b. 8 Dec. 1869 ; s. of Taylor Shipley Hunter,
Contractor, Edin. ; XV. Fettes, 1885-6 ; Actor ; settled in U.S.A. ; m. Sidney Crowe, dau. of William Bateman.
Address: The Lambs Club, 130 W. 44th Street, N.Y., U.S.A.
HUNTER, Reginald Sherer, 1892-3. CI. P.4-lb. s. of T. F. Hunter, 6 Northeast Circus Place.
HUNTER, Evan Austin, 1895-7. CI. P.2. b. 28 Sept. 1887; s. of Frank Hunter, W.S., 25 Belgrave Crescent.
Ch. Ch. Oxon ; B.A. 1909 ; Edin. Univ. ; Rosebery Cup and Indiv. Champ. Edin. Univ. 1911 ; represented Scotland r. Ireland, Athletics, 1911 ; Stand. Med. E.A.A.A. Champ. 440 Yds. 1911 ; W.S. 1912; m. 1913 Jane Ritchie Kay of Hill of Ruthven, Perth, dau. of Thomas Smith Kay, Edin. Address : 7 York Place, Edin.
HUNTER. Ronald McLean. 1895-7. CI. P.l. b. 16 Oct. 1888 ; s. of Frank Hunter, W.S., 25 Belgrave Crescent.
In business in the Argentine. Address : 7 York Place, Edin.
HUNTER, Patrick Constable, 1901-13. CI. P.2-7. b. 1 Nov. 1894; s. of William C. Hunter, W.S., 70 Great
King Street ; E.A. Schol. ; Dux of the School, 1st Acad. Club Prize for Classics. Clyde -Millar Greek Prize,
1913 ; Shooting VIIL Capt. ; Sergt. O.T.C. ; Sen. Ephor. Line. Coll. Oxon. Address : 70 Great
King Street, Edin.
HUNTER, Robert Gibson. 1906-10. CI. 3a-5a. b. 26 Sept. 1892 ; s. of Robert Hunter, Kirkmailing, Larbert.
Law Student. Address: Kirkmailing, Larbert.
HUNTER, Douglas Martin, 1909-10. CI. L.M. b. 19 May 1895 ; s. of John E. Hunter, 34 Hermitage Gardens, Edin.
HUNTER, Douglas Stevenson, 1911-12. CI. L.M. b. 17 July 1895 ; s. of Mrs. Hunter, 58 Grange Loan, Edin.
MARSHALL, William Hunter, 1856-62. CI. 1-6. b. 6 June 1846 ; s. of William Marshall of Callander, W.S.
M.A. Edin. Univ. 1870; of Callander; W.S. 1874. Address : ' Callandrade, Callander, Perthshire.
CORNWALL, James, 1864-7. CI. 4-U.M. b. 2 July 1850 ; s. of Dr. Cornwall, 6 West Circus Place.
Govt, of India, Postal Dept. ; P.M.G. N.W.P. and Oudh ; m. Agnes Hunter, dau. of Wm. Marshall, W.S., of Callander, Perthshire.
Address : 24 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edin.
JOPP, William Chambers Hunter, now William Jopp Chambers Hunter, 1869-70. CI. 3. b. 25 Dec. 1855 ; s. of
Keith Jopp, Surg., Madras Fus. Of Tillery ; Wine Merchant, Aberdeen ; m. Clara Innes, dau. of Dr. Wilham Keith,
Surg., Aberdeen. Address : 9 Albyn Terrace, Aberdeen, and Tillery, Aberdeenshire.
YOUNG. Charles, 1879-83. CI. 1-4. b. 29 July 1869 ; s. of Right Hon. George Young, P.C., L.A. of Scot.,
Senator of Coll. of Justice. Winchester ; W.S. 1892 ; of Shaw and Young, W.S., Ayr; m. Mary Hunter, dau.
of James Hunter of Glenapp. Address : Ayr.
IVORY, William, 1834-41. Cl. 1-7. b. 26 July 1825 ; s. of James Ivory, Advocate,
afterwards Hon. Lord Ivory, Senator of the Coll. of Justice. Advocate, 1849; A.D. 1859-62; Sheriff
of Inverness, Elgin, and Nairn, 1862-1900 ; m. (i) Jane Wilkinson Massiah; (2) Janet Hunter, dau.
of John Allan Rankin of Irvine. Address: 6 Whitehouse Terrace, Edin.
BLAIR, Patrick, 1847-9. CI. 1, 2. b. 4 Oct. 1836; s. of Hugh Blair, W.S., of Auchenreoch, Drummond
Edin. Univ.; W.S. i860; Dir. Nat. Bank of Scot, and Scott. Equitable Life Assur. Soc. ; also for
many years a Man. of the Roy. Inf., Edin.; m. (i) Hon. Eleonora Jane Ross, dau. of James, Lord Moncreiff of
TuUiebole; (2) Elizabeth Hunter, widow of Archibald Anderson Watt of Denmylne; d. 30 Nov. 1910 ; see also E.A. Ch. xviii. 41 and 54.
RHIND, Robert Hunter, 1856-7. CI. M. 5. b. 28 Julj' 1841 ; s. of William Rhind of Stockport, Cheshire.
Trained as C.E. in Manchester ; went to India as a Prob., P.W.D., 1862; served, till retirement as Supt.
Engineer (ist CI.), Bengal, 1893 ; m. Miss H. T. Ferguson. Address: 21 St. George's Road, Chiswick,
London, W.
PATTERSON, John Hunter, 1854-9. CI. 2-6. s. of J. H. Patterson, Melbourne.
MURRAY, Robert Hunter, 1862-4. CI. 3, 4. b. 12 Aug. 1847; s. of Dr. John Murray of Wooplaw, J.P.,
Kersknowe, Kelso.
Maj.-Gen. Seaforth Highs.; C.B. 1S96 ; C.M.G. 189S; Ensign 72nd Highs. 1S67; Capt. Seaforths, 18S0 ; Brev. Maj. 1881 ;
Brev. Lt.-Col. 1882 ; Col. 1S92 ; ret. as Maj.-Gen. 1904 ; served throughout Afghan War, 1878-80, as Adj. (desp. thrice); severely wounded at battle of Kandahar (medal with four clasps, for Peiwar Kotal,Charasia, Cabul,
and Kandahar, and bronze star for Cabul-Kandahar march, Brev. Maj.) ; Egyptian campaign, 1882 ; Brig. Maj. Indian contingent (medal with clasp for Tel-el-Kebir and Egyptian bronze star, 4th cl. Osmanie, Brev. Lt.-Col.) ; Sudan campaign, 1SS5 ; ,\ss. to Chf. of the Staff ; present at battles of Hasheen and Tamai (desp., clasp); occupation
of Crete, 1S97 (C.M.G.) ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Egypt, 18S5; D.A.A.G., Guernsey, 1S89-92; Sudan campaign, 189S (clasp for Suakin) ; severely wounded at battle of Atbara, 8 April 189S (Egyptian -Sudan medal with two clasps, Atbara and Khartoum, desp.) ; Extra A.D.C. to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1898; commanded 1st Batt. Seaforth Highs, to 1899 ; 72nd and 79th Regtal. Dists. 1899-1900 ; Maj.-Gen. comdg. 2nd Brig., Aldershot, 1900-2 ; commanded British troops,
Alexandria, 1902-4; m. 18S7 Florence, dau. of Capt. H. W. Barlow, R.E.
Address: Hill Fields, near Bewdley, Worcestershire.